We’re the most helpful and humane way for dog owners to communicate efficiently with their dogs.

We’re the most helpful and humane way for dog owners to communicate efficiently with their dogs.
Wiggle Kingdom offers maximum opportunity to generate revenue with flat-rate payouts on purchases made through the Wiggle Kingdom website for the world’s smallest training collar for small dogs. Sign-up is simple, and performance advertising gives you the opportunity to earn large earnings for promoting high-quality dog products to your audience.
- Highly competitive commission: niche sites earn 15%
- 60 return days
- Dedicated affiliate manager
- Frequent incentives for affiliates
- Frequent promotions for consumers
- Unparalleled customer service
- Happy customers = return business…and we pay full commission on every sale!
Training Collars
Our collar is the world’s smallest training collar for small dogs, perfectly fitting breeds that weigh between 5 and 15 pounds.
We’ve simplified the dog training process by providing dog owners with the tools they need for effective, efficient, and humane communication.
Our collar comes standard with three modes (sound, vibration, and shock) with 9 intensity levels to provide a truly custom training solution for parents of toy dog breeds, small dogs, and puppies.
We run our affiliate program in conjunction with Impact Radius, which is one of the easiest, trusted, and most advanced 3rd-party affiliate solutions on the marketplace.
Step #1: Sign Up
If you are not signed up for Impact Radius, just click here! If you already have an Impact account, then click here.
Step #2: Apply
Fill out all of the questions in the online form. This should take approximately 3 minutes.
While signing up, please select “content” as the primary promotional method if you plan on promoting Wiggle Kingdom on your blog. Impact will need some bank and tax information – this is all secure and is only needed to make sure you can be paid directly.
Please be sure to fill out all of the fields and Email Us Here if you need help!
Step #3: Accept & Approve
The commercial terms and your application will be sent to us. We will review as quickly as possible!
Step #4: Get Your Affiliate Link at Impact
Once approved, log into your Impact account and find the “Create a link” section of your dashboard. Make sure Wiggle Kingdom is selected and add the link of our dog training collar that you’d like to promote into the link field and click “Create.”
Step #5: Embed
Include the created links into an article on your site, on social, or any other of your properties to create opportunities to earn affiliate commissions.
We will pay out based on the actions taken (i.e. sales) per the attribution terms in your contract.
Search Policy: We encourage affiliates to use generic keywords in their search engine optimization. However, affiliates may not use our trademark name, our domain name or misspellings or variations of these.
The Wiggle Kingdom Affiliate Program is proudly managed by the Team at Affiliate Management Solutions.
Questions? Email Us Here !